Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pumpkin Soup & Pilates

A creamy, full of depth, pumpkin soup simmers on my stove.   A homemade gift from one of my long-time students. I love M.G.'s soups!   She arrives at my door with soup on the days I need it most!   I have been studying for my Comprehensive Pilates test -- a significant milestone.  Balancing family life, work, and studying has taken its toll on my ability to care for me.

M.G.'s soup is a reminder to me that the people who I support on their wellness path, support me as well.   I have always recognized that my students are my foremost teachers.   Everything I learn in my trainings or discover in my personal practice, I explore with them.   I'm honored to witness their bodies & lives unfold as we work together.

And as I observe their bodies move through space, I often wonder, "Who is really teaching who?"