Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finding Your Center

One of the great things I've learned from Jenny Otto, E-RYT500 & Anusara Certified - is multiple ways to get in touch with my center. Initially, we think of our center as a place in our physical body where we tap into our "core strength." And, yes, this is very important in our physical practice. In Anusara, one of the ways we introduce the center to people is through a series of loops in the body. John Friend, Anusara's founder, has an amazing mind!! With Jenny, I have explored my center three dimensionally. And last spring, I was in an amazing training with her & Adam Gainsburg. We explored our center - our ability to move or shift our center - while using sound in asana. It was one of those "goose bump" moments in my life. I hope to share some goose bumps with you in 2010. Join us in Jacksonville! See our website for details